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Dandelion Honey (Vegan)

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

Another short guide, this time on making Dandelion Honey. I am by no means an expert in harvesting, preparing and cooking wild flowers. If you have any feedback to give me I'm happy to learn.

A little bit about Dandelions?

Dandelions are know to many in the UK as a weed! The name "dent de lion" is French for Lion tooth, which refers to the shape of the leaf. They have for centuries been a source of food:

- The roots can be used to make a type of coffee.

- The leafs can be used in salad. They contain vitamins A, C, E, K & B6.

- The flowers are great in omelettes, fritters and cakes.

- The flowers have been used to make vinegar and honey.

- An obviously Dandelion and Burdock.

It has also been used to treat a range of medical illness from liver problems, diabetes, heart and respiratory problems.

So this was my experience...

Step one:

Pick the heads of the Dandelions! Now before I started picking I made sure I was picking the correct plant, there is a similar looking plant. It's easy to tell them apart by looking at the leafs. Dandelions have lion teeth like leafs. I chose a place where there wasn't many dog walkers or chances of pesticides being spayed (like in peoples gardens). I picked only the flower heads and picked from multiple locations, leaving enough for the Bees 🐝 to continue working.

(2 dense cups full)

Step two:

I individually shook each flower to remove any free riding flies and bugs, then added the flower heads to a pan.

Step three:

I now added 1 & 1/2 cups of water and 2 table spoons of lemon juice. I Simmered them for 15 mins, turned the heat off and left it to infuse overnight.

Step four:

In the morning I strained the Dandelion juice (I improvised a tea strainer), into a teapot, cleaned the pan, weighed it and returned it back to the pan. (Note the weight of the juice).

Step five:

Now I weighed out the sugar to match the same as the juice, and added it to the pan.

Step six:

I set the pan heat high and boiled for roughly 15-20 minutes until the liquid turned dark brown and was sticking to the spoon.

Step seven:

Now was the fun part, funnelling the honey into a glass jar and put the lid on, leave to cool down.

And Voila! Ready to use in my tea and on pancakes!

I hope this blog has been useful, if you have any questions please feel free to email me at If you want to tell us about your own wild flower experiments join our subscribers page and help us build an outdoor community of like-minded people!

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